The stogie-loving consumers in the AmeriList American Cigar Smokers Database are a great target audience for products and services that can accommodate lavish lifestyles. These well-educated consumers have a large amount of disposable income and spend approximately $35.50 on cigars and cigar related products each week. These individuals are also collectors and enjoy spending discretionary income on various tobacco related products.
Our American Cigar Smokers Database is compiled using multiple sources including: Lifestyle Questionnaires, Memberships, Internet/On-Line Surveys, Off-line Surveys, Opt-in Email, Newsletters, Direct Response, Publications, Compiled Lists and Controlled Circulations. This responsive cigar smokers list is enhanced with demographic and psychographic data from the AmeriList national consumer database.
This mailing list is great for cigars distributors, wine distributors, golf courses, magazine subscriptions, spas, financial services, travel and more.