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Accurate Mailing Lists… How Accurate is Accurate? 

No matter how accurate a mailing list is, a percentage of inaccuracies is inevitable. So when a list broker claims that a list is updated every 30 days, what does that really mean? How do deceased records stay in a database for years? Is income range on-point? Why is the list not 100% deliverable? These questions are valid and could be a concern for many mailers. The actuality is that no mailing list is completely flawless, and there are several reasons for inaccuracies.

What To Expect

  • Consumer Mailing Lists – 95+% Deliverable/Accurate
  • Business Mailing Lists – 90+% Deliverable/Accurate
  • Specialty and Response Data – 95+% Deliverable/Accurate
  • Email Data - Permission-Based, Opted-In vs. Purchased Email Addresses:

Data Quality Processes

We implement aggressive data quality processes to guarantee the most deliverable addresses on the market. For businesses looking to reach out effectively, consider our business mailing list services that ensure high deliverability.

Data Accuracy

We run accuracy tests designed to assess data such as telephone number, homeowner status, dwelling size or age of primary decision makers. This array of tests includes first class mailings, syndicated research correlation, third-party telephone verification and electronic directory assistance.

Recency of Data

The recency of data is determined by applying data hygiene and enhancement processes.

Data Quality

This database is processed against the USPS® address standardization, the NCOA (National Change of Address) system, Zip+4 coding, and CASS Certification every 30 days to ensure address correctness. Of course, due to the nature of how data is aggregated and how quickly it can change, no list will be 100% perfect. Although we go to great lengths to ensure accuracy and deliverability, even the best list will have a small number of wrong addresses, incorrect data, or some error. We typically aim at keeping that to under 5% of a file.

Data Hygiene

Every month, our data undergoes thorough data hygiene routines, including NCOA (National Change of Address), LACS (Locatable Address Conversion System), DNC (Do Not Call), and other data hygiene processes.

We care about the success of our clients, and do our best to deliver quality data. Our deliverability guarantee offers name replacement, as well as partial refunds depending on the amount of undeliverable mailers. We want our clients to trust that they are working with a reputable company, and that we do everything in our power to ensure our clients that they are in good hands.

For more information about mailing list accuracy, call our list experts at 1(800) 457-2899 or email us at If you're interested in expanding your reach, you can also buy an email list tailored to your specific needs.

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