How to Ask for Testimonials From Clients? Real Email Examples & Ask Open-ended questions.

A positive customer testimonial example on a website can help create a deeper and more emotional appeal for a business. And when marketing is all about giving the information to help customers make purchasing decisions, marketers indicate heavy reliance on testimonial examples to open a line of communication. 


In addition to breaking the ice for communication, a customer testimonial helps businesses fulfill another goal in their marketing journey. And that is building trust and credibility. To that end, businesses can give an opportunity to let regular customers become brand advocates. 


But the problem is when you need to ask for a client testimonial without sounding desperate? And the perfect testimonial gets your prospective client thinking “hey, I have been in the situation, and if they found the right help, then I can get it, too!” 


Here is an example to illustrate what we are talking about:


 customer testimonials


These customer testimonials are much more powerful than a business thinks. They are show queries, solutions, and specific results. 


But how do you create great website testimonials from your senior clients who have experienced your services instead of the unhelpful ones? 


In this post, you will find the best real examples of emails asking for feedback that you can use in your email marketing campaigns. 


Send emails to the right consumers

Whenever you are asking for feedback, make sure your message is sent to the right consumers. For instance, find out whether the recipient has availed of the service before or not? 


Ask Open-ended questions

Use specific open-ended questions with proper direction to give your business a better chance at generating content for the perfect testimonials to go on the website. 


A few examples to help you 


Smart Blogger


Here, Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger approached the concept with a survey technique to ask for his reader’s help where he asks them very specific and open-ended questions. 



This is another example by Respondster which tries to get feedback from their customers immediately after they sign up. 


mistake fare survey

Here Kara and Nate send out emails to their customers asking for feedback on their book. They use the survey method to ask for success stories at the end to keep readers engaged. 


Give Shout out to the client if they give feedback and ask permission before uploading testimonials on the website

You may record your client testimonials and publish them on your website. But before you do, ask the client’s permission. 


testimonial request

Apple help pages short survey

Macintosh has a huge number of clients everywhere, across items going from telephones, PCs, and earphones to TV boxes and programming. To keep client care costs as low as could really be expected, it's basically their internet-based self-improvement text that is great. 


Enter on-page criticism. Utilizing simply basic "yes/no" buttons, Apple can limit on pages that need improvement, and furthermore spot repeating client item issues.


Apple help pages short survey


Skype's short study 


Skype spearheaded the short client study 10 years prior, with their "How was your call?" usefulness. It assists them with reducing bugs and administration issues proactively and is a truly apparent method of exhibiting client care. 


At the point when we began Customer Thermometer, this was one of the most often requested kinds of review. We'd get bunches of inquiries from individuals saying they needed to have the option to request straightforward input 'as Skype does'.


Skype's short study


What do Customer Testimonial examples speak? 


Getting client input this way helps businesses enjoy incredible benefits such as:

  • First – Customer testimonials are a great way to accomplish goals like building trust. Following these temples focus on requesting input when the client is probably going to give it to you. There's no misremembering or being occupied. 
  • Second- Obercing their views, reviews, opinions live, an existing customer feels proud to be associated with the brand that puts their views on their website. 
  • Third- It brings out different customer stories in the marketing journey to which mass audiences can relate. 


In this load of models, an exceptionally straightforward collaboration is all that is needed to attract the client.

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