Unique Business Card Designs 

How To Create The Most Memorable And Unique Business Card Designs: Part 1

The world of business is transforming with innovations changing the competitive environment rapidly. From the medium of correspondence converting from mail to email, growing emphasis on paperless communication, and awareness towards digitalization worldwide, there is hardly any industry that remains untouched from technological advances. In recent times, businesses have become highly conscious regarding how they want their customers to perceive them. Part of the existing trend primarily highlights hiring Professional business card printing services to design unique business cards to represent business ethics, values, work culture, and visions.


One could wonder why? And the simple answer to that query is the growing need to create a striking presence. You would ask, are business cards that necessary? Let us answer it more logically for you. According to Forbes magazine, most executives reveal that business cards improve 40% business efficiency, 36% faster market time, and 35% customer expectations.


The availability of extensive statistics limits our efforts to summarise all the data in one blog. Hence, as part of our efforts, we will discuss how to create the most memorable and unique business card designs- in two parts. Part One will discuss the importance of business cards and why it is a good idea to hire business card printing services. How To Create The Most Memorable And Unique Business Card Designs Part 2 shall focus on some of our tried and tested tips for designing your amazing and unique business card designs.


The Importance Of Business Cards

Printing has revolutionized the computer world and successfully introduced individuals to adapt to incorporating technology in everyday life. Even the way we communicate to our prospective customers uses technology affluently. How? The most common method of introducing your business is by handing over your business card. As per data, 27 million business cards are printed every day. Astonishing right!


A unique graphic design business card can impress the individuals you meet in seconds in the digital age. The trick to land in the minds of your beloved customers is simple. Stay classy and noteworthy. And what’s a better way than having your unique visiting card.



However, be careful when you pick what information to include. Not sure. See below some key points that you must not miss having printed on your business card.


What To Include On A Personal Business Card:

  1. Logo- A high-print quality logo design is beneficial in representing what your business stands for? What values your firm live for? And your mission and vision for the future. Take it as the phrase- let your business card speak for your actions. Thus, be wise when choosing designing services and business card services.

  2. Company Name- Don't overload the business card with information. Keep plenty of space for the organization's name.

  3. Tagline- Although, conditional, having a tagline clarify the purpose of your business objectives to the consumers.

  4. Your Name- Mentioning your name is as essential as having a firm name. Your name is how people will know your company by.

  5. Job Title- The job title informs the reader or viewer about your contribution to the firm. Although we know that most of us love the title "CEO" under our names, each employee is a catalyst in a business's growth. So, mention that as well.

  6. Website- Having your business websites builds your adequate authority and sets an exemplary example of your profile in the field. Instead of verbally lecturing and boasting about your projects, simply offer your website ink for other businesses to participate in the projects virtually.

  7. Contact Details- Last but not least, indicate your updated email, phone number, business address for obstacle-free communication.

What to include in a personal busines card

Proven Advantages of Business Card Printing Service Providers

Designing a unique business card can be done online. There are numerous free tools available that allow anyone to sign up freely and create their visiting cards. However, there are other determinant factors that support why professional business card services are a better option. Let us check them one by one.

  1. Expert advice- One indeed understands his/her business better than the graphic designer, but what you don’t know is that it involves critical thought processes to curate a unique graphic design business card. Please don’t take it lightly. The real struggle only begins with finalizing a design itself. Therefore, an expert card designer can suggest necessary changes as they have been working in the field for years. Just like we can’t beat your expertise in your area, you can’t beat a visiting card designer’s expertise in his field.

  2. Saves Time- Coming up with a unique visiting card is a task that involves hundreds of editions, re-designing, text editing, selecting suitable color combinations, appropriate fonts, and re-checking information. Trust us when we say it takes hours. It does.

  3. Printing Machine Availability- Let us say that you have successfully designed your unique business card and even build the entire logo on your own. Still, the real question is, where will you get the machinery to print all the business cards in bulk? Because it is a routine task for the printing service companies, they have the capacity and space to accommodate all these heavy machinery and provide quality printing facilities.

  4. High-Quality Commercial Use Inks- Availing the required Paper- coated, uncoated, thin, thick; Material- plastic, steel, Orientation- landscape, portrait, square; Inks- 1 or 2 Color Printing, 4 Color Offset Printing, 4 Color plus Spot Color(s), and Foil ink, and lamination material to lessen deterioration time is an exhausting task. Moreover, you need to know the current prices for the same to avoid getting misled.

  5. Eliminates Time Zone Difference- We all want to make it big in the industry and mark our footprints globally. For this purpose, we keep connecting with businesses offshore and in-house as well. Sometimes, we come across reputable service providers based far away from us but still wish to enjoy international services. Thus, business card providers offer internationally acclaimed quality service to clients based in foreign countries and eliminate the time zone differences.

proven advantages of business

Hopefully, above discussion has been able to clarify the importance of owning your own unique business card design to leave the desired impact on your audience. Moving forwards with our part 2 of How To Create The Most Memorable And Unique Business Card Designs, we would like to mention some of the tips that business marketers live by to impress their contenders and future customers alike.


Amerilist Printing is a well-experienced printing company that can design unique visiting cards for your business by focusing on building long-term relationships with your customers.