Email Intelligence to Communicate with Summer Campers


Unlike summer camps themselves, marketing efforts directed towards them are not seasonal; they require year-round effort. Targeting thousands of parents with different mindsets cannot be fulfilled by a one-size-fits-all approach. 




Imagine going to a mall with your kids. One is a three-year-old, and the other one is a twelve-year-old. Now try to find one single piece of clothing that can fit both. 


We guarantee. You’re going to end up upsetting one of the children. 


This is precisely what happens when a summer camp marketing-based business implements one tactic for all parents with different expectations from your business. It is always lethal. Therefore, you must convey a neutral message that resonates with all levels of the audience.


This is just one aspect of your summer camp advertising idea. Another aspect that you should never miss considering is the location of your audience. Not all parents are necessarily located in one area. 


For these obvious reasons, Email marketing is the best way to reach parents sitting miles away from your business’s physical location. It is easy, quick, and affordable. 


You immediately devise a plan. You are ready. You have decided how you will:

  • Talk to customers 
  • Use creative infographics 
  • Deliver next summer camp session dates
  • Communicate educating, athletic or cultural values that children can benefit from during their stay 


Only to find one hiccup. 


Instead of reaching a parent, your email reached someone waiting to start their college. 


As a business, you await your inbox with hundreds of positive responses. But that never happened. 


You cannot help but curse the email list provider. We bet you would avoid recommending them to anyone. 


Don’t Lose Hope! 


AmeriList has just the solution you need. 


targeted summer camp direct marketing solutions, including student mailing lists and direct mail.


A Summer camp marketing plan most likely means keeping a bunch of strategies ready. After all, you’re marketing to parents, children, staff, and many more.


Each segment interacts with your business with different goals, uses other social media platforms, and relies on information. 


Email Intelligence makes this a bit easier. You can create relatively tailored content and even target more customers precisely.  


Email intelligence is an automated process based on continuous strategy learning that gives businesses a statistical insight into their customers. It can be used to understand the behavior of your consumers ensuring high-email engagement rates.


More importantly, your message is received by an accurate set of audiences who share one common goal. In this case, parents who want their children to make the most of their childhood. 


Typically, parents on the slightly older end of the spectrum would mean someone already in their late 30s or early 40s. These audiences may have a variety of comfort levels with technology. Some might be tech-savvies, while others may respond better to direct mails. 


Millennial parents are tech-natives. They love social media, rely on smartphones for obtaining most of their phones, and expect everything to be appealing and straightforward. 


Nobody wants to read infinitely long sentence paragraphs that are hard to decode. 


They want information that is accessible, quick, and worth reading.  


THIS is more suitable and less-time consuming and less labor-intensive. It pays off well. 


Alright! Now. Let us talk business. 


Look at these simple steps to communicate with your summer campers


Step 1: Fill excitement in your words.


While kids summer camps are designed for kids, parents are the true audience since parents are the ones who will be paying money for signing up their children. That is why they’re the ones marketing campaigns should appeal to.


Step 2: Don’t Lecture in your emails. Talk like a friend. 


Most working Americans today look at summer camps for kids as an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with their children. However, the biggest problem arises when trying to communicate with these parents. Because of their busy schedule and restrictive time limitations, these individuals hate long drafted emails lecturing them about the importance of securing their kids’ future. They are already working on that right. 


Instead, you should emphasize why it is a good idea for them to seize those precious moments of their time because these memories will be something they will cherish forever. 


Step 3: Incorporate a gallery of pictures from previous summer camp sessions.


To emphasize including images in your emails is a brilliant idea, we will give you an example. 


You are searching for a stapler to put together your file, and you wring the cupboards. Suddenly, you discover your child’s picture on a roller-coaster ride. How likely are you to forget you were looking for a stapler. 


200%. Guaranteed. 


This is the power of visuals. 


Incorporating a gallery or a collage of images from your previous summer camp session is a particularly guaranteed way to keep your audiences hooked. 


Step 4: No one is interested in Textopidiea. Try Minimalism. 


Yeah! We just made that term up. It is as self-explanatory as it could get. 


Sending plain texts with clustered fonts and heavy jpeg images is a concept of the past. Individuals are inclining towards a Minimalistic approach. Even when they want messages, that doesn’t mean skipping the vital details. 


To be able to use a minimalistic approach while sending an email, make sure to:

  • Use bullet points 
  • No heavy gradients 
  • Keep background light in color
  • Short sentences 
  • Include details like- Registration dates, payment 


Step 5: Continuous communication. 


Don’t leave your parents hanging in the middle of the information. It is never a good idea. Your Summer camp marketing shall be executed, ensuring there is frequent communication from start to finish. 


For example, here are the emails you must prepare in advance: 

  • Camp starting details including, dates, package, address, meals, stay, transport, tents, washroom facility, medical aid, etc. 
  • Registration open notice email 
  • Incomplete registration notice email 
  • Registration confirmation email 
  • Camp acceptance notice 
  • Thank You email 


This is all part of what is bracketed under Email Intelligence. We are sure if you follow all the stated steps carefully, you will enjoy better responses from your summer campers. And if there are strategies that you would like us to include, we would love to hear them in our comments section. 

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