The AmeriList Bankruptcy Database is the most accurate and comprehensive bankruptcy database on the market. This database consists of individuals who have filed for bankruptcy, who had a tax lien against them, or who have a judgment against them. Approximately 75,000 new records are added to the database each month. The records are received directly from the court systems and other public records. With their debts removed, or being controlled by the courts, the individuals in this database have stabilized their financial problems and now adhere to regular scheduled payments. Freed of prior debts, these individuals will ultimately have a positive cash flow. Although they are eager to get on with their lives, they are selective in their purchasing habits and have subsequently been shown to be good credit risks.
This exclusive database is sourced directly from the U.S. Court System and other public records.
Our Bankruptcy Database is the ideal solution for credit card offers, small loans, payday loans, magazine subscriptions, car dealers, car loans and many more.