Generation Y Mailing List

Our Generation Y consumer database contains highly responsive consumer data for digital, telemarketing, and direct mail marketing campaigns. This mailing list consists of consumers born in the 1980s and 1990s, and is the fastest-growing segment of today’s professional workforce. This tech-savvy, ambitious generation is well-educated and achievement-oriented. Being the generation that has seen the most rapid shift in technology during their childhood and adolescent years, as well as becoming young adults starting families makes them eligible for a wide variety of products and services.

Popular Selects:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Geography
  • Ethnicity
  • Dwelling Type
  • Education Level
  • Income
  • Occupation
  • Marital Status
  • Presence of Children
  • Hobbies & Interests
  • Lifestyle
  • Buying Habits
  • Political Party
  • Donors

How Our Data Is Compiled

Our Generation Y Mailing List is derived from a multitude of public and proprietary feeds both online and offline including: surveys, self-reported individuals, and previous memberships/ purchase history. When you use our data, you are guaranteed accuracy and deliverability. Our compilation team processes the entire database against the National Change of Address (NCOA) file monthly. The list is also CASS certified to ensure further accuracy.

Consider The Facts:

  • Generally, this generation’s outlook on life and preferences have been shaped by growing up in an environment very different to their parents, characterized by the emergence and growth of the internet, along with rapidly changing social attitudes
  • Workplace satisfaction matters more to Millennials than monetary compensation and work-life balance is often considered essential

Recommended Usage

This mailing list is recommended for a variety of offers and promotions, such as technology, real estate, healthcare, finance, insurance, travel, entertainment, wireless products, education, and much more.

  • Total Universe
  • Base Rate
  • Market Type
    U.S. Consumer
  • List Channels
    Postal, Email & Telemarketing
  • Source
    Compiled, Self-Reported
  • Update Cycle
  • Minimum Order
    Quantity: 5,000
    Price: $325.00
  • Net Name
    Floor: 85%
    Minimum Quantity: 25,000
    Run Charges: $10.00 / M
  • Exchanges
    Please Inquire
  • Reuse
    Please Inquire
  • Sample Mail Piece Required
    Please Inquire
  • Cancellation Charges
    Please Inquire
  • Commission
    20% commission will be paid to registered agencies and brokers. Volume discounts are available.