The AmeriList Affluent Jewish Donor database is a nation-wide file that contains today’s actively involved Jewish communal leaders. At a time of apprehension for Jewish solidity and community involvement, these dedicated donors have proven themselves time and again by donating to Jewish charitable and communal causes, including: museums, schools and community centers, as well as subscribing to Jewish newspapers and periodicals.
Our Affluent Jewish Donors database is compiled using multiple sources including: Lifestyle Questionnaires, Memberships, Internet/On-Line Surveys, Off-line Surveys, Opt-in Email, Newsletters, Direct Response, Publications, Compiled Lists and Controlled Circulations. This responsive Jewish donor list is enhanced with demographic and psychographic data from the AmeriList national consumer database.
This file is a wonderful source for Jewish based 501(c)(3) organizations and any other 501(c)(3) organizations looking to boost their fundraising efforts.