These consumers have just obtained a new credit card and now have a new credit line to use. Since they are in possession of this new card, they are more likely to use it to make purchases in stores and online. These records are obtained through credit transactions from multiple sources, including retail establishments, gas stations, department stores, mail order companies, and more. With the most accurate postal, phone, and email data available on the market today, your next direct marketing campaign can benefit significantly.
Our New Bank Cardholders Mailing List is derived from a multitude of public and proprietary feeds both online and offline including: surveys, self-reported individuals, and previous memberships/ purchase history. When you use our data, you are guaranteed accuracy and deliverability. Our compilation team processes the entire database against the National Change of Address (NCOA) file monthly. The list is also CASS certified to ensure further accuracy.
This file is recommended for a variety of offers, such as, credit offers, magazine subscriptions, book and music clubs, movie clubs, computer and electronic retailers, sports card collectibles, and more.