AmeriList’s Pending Movers Database is a carefully curated collection of properties currently in the process of being sold. It focuses specifically on these properties, providing accurate and timely information about pending real estate transactions. With a strong emphasis on precision, this database empowers your business with a strategic advantage in the competitive real estate market. It offers real-time updates, and 70% of the entries include contact names associated with their addresses. This allows you to stay ahead of the competition and reach your target audience precisely when needed.
AmeriList’s Pending Movers database is compiled from a variety of trustworthy sources, such as newspaper “Home for Sale” listings and online real estate platforms, supplemented with self-reported data and national real estate feeds for daily updates. Released weekly and matched against our consumer database for enriched data elements, ensuring the highest accuracy level. The database is updated regularly and processed against the USPS National Change of Address (NCOA) system, Zip+4 coding, and CASS certification.
AmeriList’s Pending Movers Database is tailor-made for a diverse range of industries, including insurance companies, home improvement firms, locksmiths, home security providers, lawn care and landscaping businesses, banks, and beyond!