With virtually 100% coverage, our Resident Occupant Saturation database reaches every mailable address in America. Regarded as the most accurate saturation database available on the market today, it consists of both residential and business address information that is serviced by the USPS®. When you need to ensure your direct mail will reach every possible prospect in an area, it’s the only list you need. Based on the density of this file, it will automatically qualify for saturation - walk sequence postage rates. Its accuracy is guaranteed due to our consistent monthly updates using a proprietary system that ensures accuracy and deliverability. When you need a reliable list to saturate your marketing area and reach every viable prospect in a community we have you covered.
The foundation of our saturation file is the United States Postal Service®. The database is then enhanced with current census information and proprietary data sources. It meets all the standards to qualify for saturation / walk sequence discounts and is fully CASS™ certified. This file is updated monthly to ensure accuracy and compliance, the list is also DPV processed (Delivery Point Validation).
This list is ideal for saturation mailings. The list is fully “walk sequenced” which allows for the lowest postage rates available. Records are addressed as “Resident” or “Occupant” to ensure the highest possible deliverability. It’s ideal for any marketer who is looking to mail to every address in a target geography (Automotive, Retail, Community Publications, Coupons, Home Services, New Business Announcements, Newsletters and Flyers, Political Leaflets, Sale Announcements and more).