
Why does it seem like some marketing campaigns do exceptionally well while others seem to fall by the wayside? For one, you need a well-targeted email list. As a result, you’re more likely to experience higher open and response rates

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Social media marketing is one of the most effective ways of reaching a massive amount of prospects and potential leads without destroying your budget.

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Direct-mail marketing can be quite expensive when it’s not handled with care. When it comes to any kind of marketing, if you want to keep costs down and receive a good return on your investment, do it right the first time.

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Whether it’s your first marketing campaign, or your hundredth, it’s imperative to make sure your emails aren’t being labeled as spam. One way of accomplishing this is to make sure your subject line, titles, and the body of your email doesn’t contain a series of spam trigger words.

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Again, your database gives crucial insights into a person’s buying behavior. Look for patterns in customer activity and buying behavior, and craft targeted messages that move customers to respond in ways that keep them active, loyal, and engaged.

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Email marketing is one of the best and effective ways to spread the word about your service or business. It is important to send emails to target audiences who might be interested in your service to get the maximum benefit.

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Getting old can be a scary thought for some, while for others, it just means turning a year older. But the truth of the matter is, there are certain things that every senior turning 65 needs to be well prepared for.

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In this world of fierce competition, businesses have to keep growing and expanding their customer base in order to stay profitable and relevant. While it may seem simple, it's not easy to keep your current customer base intact while adding more and more new clients.

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A direct mail list is a marketing strategy that involves sending promotional materials directly to clients or consumers through the postal system. The materials generally include brochures, leaflets, catalogs, and postcards.

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With emails getting a makeover as list vendors have started providing targeted mailing lists with verified databases, it has become necessary for automobile companies to start leveraging email marketing to reach out to more consumers and get viable leads.

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